Friday, June 25, 2010

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention I

Class reflection: 25 June 2010

The creative process is how these new ideas, solutions, and inventions are produced.
"Being creative is seeing the same thing as everybody else but thinking of something different" (Shekerjian, D.1990).

Basically,I'm not quite understand about this topic,after I surf the Internet for the explanation.

--Novelty is Latin word means new which means quality of being new.Although it may be said to have an objective dimension.
--Creativity is the ability to generate innovative ideas and get them from thought into reality which is the process includes original thinking and then producing.
--Innovation is a transformation in the thought process for doing something.
--Invention is a process which come from an idea.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Defining Creativity II

Class Exercise: 18 June 2010
Creating Image of pubic figure

Creative person is one who generates new ideas,but sometime can be misunderstood with innovation.
Innovation: Transformation in the thought process for doing something.
"Creativity is the process of generating something new that has value."(Haggins,1995)

Creative image of my friend
not satisfied

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Class Reflection

Class Reflection: 18 June 2010
Creative Studies

This week we learnt lil bit
not little but a lot about CREATIVITY till i slept in the class.
At the beginning of the class,we were asked by the lecture
different between creative and creativity
what can it be?
how can it be?
is it being creative is hard?
After a few minutes..
lecturer start explain and explain...
Actually,this class was interesting at the beginning,
but then,start boring + sleepy...zzz
talk to0 much + boring slide

However what i understand about creativity is the ability to imagine or create something new.
If we looked closer those creative people,
they will reveal a lot of very hard work.

Defining Creativity I

Creative Studies
Class Reflection: 18 June 2010

Basically,creativity is the process of being creative.It is valuable tool to improve our life if it is understand by everyone.

Why people are motivated to be creative?
>Need for novel,varied and complex stimulation
>Need to communication ideas and values
>Need to solve problems
(Source from: Robert E.Franken)
This is one of video about being creative.